
Name Size Modified
Rodrigues.paper 131 MB
1884-Hamillton-Quats.pdf 199 KB
1951-PhilMag-Bishop_Hill-paper1.pdf 848 KB
1951-PhilMag-Bishop_Hill-paper2.pdf 553 KB
1965-JApplyPhys-Roe-Pole-Fig-Inversion.pdf 877 KB
1971-JApplCryst-Davies-charts.PDF 963 KB
1972-TransACM-Duda-HoughTransformPaper.pdf 548 KB
1982-PhysStatSolid-Matthies_Vinel-WIMV-method.pdf 840 KB
1988-Textures_Micros-Houtte_Taylor-Bishop_Hill.pdf 7 MB
1991-Neumann-RodriguesVectors.pdf 691 KB
1992-TexturesMicros-Toth_Houtte-Vol_Fracs.pdf 1 MB
1997-Doherty_etAl-Current-issues-recrystallization.pdf 9 MB
2000-SupercondTechn-PercolationModel.pdf 248 KB
2003-DefectDiffusion-Protsenko-Ni-grooving.pdf 149 KB
2004-IJP-Raabe-vol-fracs.pdf 884 KB
2008-JAC-Hielscher-Schaeben-PoleFigInversion.pdf 696 KB
2009-MTex-Schaeben_Chemnitz.pdf 6 MB
2010-Schaeben-MTex-Tutorial-Krakow.pdf 18 MB
2010-SolidStatePhenom-mtex-brief_description.pdf 796 KB
2011-UltraMicro-MTEX-grain-detection.pdf 2 MB
2206_96.pdf 404 KB
2212 thin films on c-axis oriented and vicinial substrates.pdf 402 KB
7 How to use MTEX to plot pole figures and inverse pole figures.pdf 812 KB
A representation method for grain-boundary character.pdf 206 KB
AMC-Workshop-2012_Tutorial-7_SEM.pdf 3 MB
Arzt_Cu_thinfilms_texture.pdf 563 KB
Coincidence lattices and associated shear transformations.pdf 1 MB
Coincidence orientations of crystals in tetragonal systems, with applications to YBa2Cu3O7-.pdf 766 KB
Coincidence site lattice theory of multicrystalline ensembles.pdf 134 KB
Combination Rule of Values at Triple Junctions in Cubic Polycrystals.pdf 882 KB
Comments on the validity of the direct phasing and Fourier methods in electron crystallography.pdf 1 MB
Current issues in recrystallization a review.pdf 9 MB
Dawson_Texture_video.avi 181 MB
Dawson_Texture_video.avi.bz2 142 MB
Deformation-induced texture in cold-rolled Ag sheathed Bi(2223) tapes,.pdf 469 KB
Discussion of the representation of intercrystalline misorientation in cubic materials.pdf 297 KB
Dislocation, disclinations and lattice orientations-cf.docx 49 KB
Disorientations and coincidence rotations for cubic lattices.pdf 447 KB
Distributions of Misorientation Angles and Misorientation Axes for Crystallites with Different Symmetries.pdf 1 MB
EBSD-review.pdf 3 MB
EBSDCoords_Brukers.pdf 130 KB
Electron crystallography.pdf 2 MB
Exp_map_rotations.pdf 199 KB
Fabrication of cold-rolled Ag-sheathed Bi(2223) taps by a partial-melting process.pdf 173 KB
Feldmann_HTSC_05.pdf 371 KB
Feldmann_HTSC_Substrates_00.pdf 125 KB
Frank-Bilby-analysis-1_slide.pptx 250 KB
Fri-18Apr2014-L18b-EBSD-analysis_default.mp4 85 MB
General connections for the form of property tensors in the 122 Shubnikov point groups.pdf 738 KB
Geometrical theory of triple junctions of CSL boundaries.pdf 607 KB
Gibbs_rotations.pdf 185 KB
Grain boundaries in materials with a hexagonal, rhombohedral or tetragonal lattice the connection between different treatments of approximate coincidence.pdf 527 KB
Grain texture and bulk magnetic anisotropy correlation in polycrystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ thin rods.pdf 676 KB
Hamillton paper on Quaternions 1884AD.pdf 199 KB
Hamilton_Quaternions_AD1884.pdf 199 KB
Handscomb_random_misorient.pdf 8 MB
Hartig_Ti_texture.pdf 1008 KB
Heinig_HiTc_Cond_96.pdf 140 KB
Hirsch_Al_texture.pdf 438 KB
Hollinshead_Al_Texture.pdf 1009 KB
Howe-Interfaces_book-excerpt-p307.pdf 1 MB
Howe-excerpt-p307.pdf 1 MB
Humphreys_EBSD-review.pdf 3 MB
II-VI-crystal.pt1.tiff 204 KB
II-VI-crystal.pt2.tiff 893 KB
LEM3-Seminar-Fressengeas-Disclinations.pptx 2 MB
MPIE-Diamond-texture-2008.pdf 1 MB
Magnetic physical-property tensors.pdf 293 KB
Matthies-texture-analysis-JApplCryst.pdf 2 MB
Melt-texture processing and high-temperature reactions of Bi-2212 thick films.pdf 432 KB
Micro11-list.vcf 4 KB
Modern equations of diffractometry Goniometry.pdf 2 MB
Mon-28Apr2014-lecture-GrainSize-Donegan_default.mp4 84 MB
New understanding of silver-induced texture in powder-in-tube processed Ag-Bi(2223) tape.pdf 1 MB
Notes-27_750-Fall11.txt 176 bytes
Nucleation and texture formation of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox grains on (Sr,Ca)14Cu24Ox plates in the Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2.1Ox Ag system.pdf 533 KB
O_N_fast_marching.pdf 507 KB
Pathak ActaMat 2009 Measurement of the local mechanical properties in polycrystalline samples using spherical nanoindentation and orientation imaging microscopy.pdf 724 KB
Pathala-thesis-MIT.pdf 8 MB
Preparation of (Bi, Pb)-2223Ag tapes by high temperature sintering and post-annealing process.pdf 94 KB
Processing Bi-2212 Ag thick films under a high magnetic field on the Bi-2212-Ag interface effect.pdf 725 KB
Ratter_Kitti_szakdolgozat.pdf 6 MB
Read_ALR_EPF_3Feb16.m 968 bytes
Relationship among synthesis, microstructure and properties in sinter-forged Bi-2212 ceramics.pdf 4 MB
Representation of orientation and disorientation data for cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal and orthorhombic crystals.pdf 997 KB
Rodrigues_FZ_Outline-MikeJ-Aug13.vtk 1 KB
Rodrigues_original_paper.pdf 2 MB
Role of silver on phase formation and texture development in Ag-BSCCO composites.pdf 390 KB
Rotations and rotation matrices.pdf 276 KB
SchmidFactors-21Jan2012.xlsx 37 KB
Schuh_Phil_Mag.pdf 238 KB
Schuh_perc_HiTc.pdf 156 KB
Si_machining_texture.pdf 3 MB
Sigma3_presentation_using_matrix_Sukbin.xlsx 38 KB
Some Statistics Associated with the Random Disorientation of Cubes.pdf 799 KB
SteveSintay_Pole_Figures-25Jul12.xls 292 KB
SteveSintay_Pole_Figures-26May11.xls 292 KB
Structural and transport properties of superconducting ceramics Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d.pdf 358 KB
Structural studies of BSCCO-Ag-tapes by high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction.pdf 1 MB
Sutton-Balluffi-Ch2.pdf 6 MB
Sutton_Balluffi-excerpt-Chap_1.pdf 1 MB
Sutton_Balluffi-excerpt.pdf 1 MB
TSF450_216.pdf 562 KB
Table_II_Ch1_Kocks_Errors.doc 75 KB
Table_II_Ch1_Kocks_Errors.pdf 179 KB
Tables of coincidence orientations for ordered tetragonal L10 alloys for a range of axial ratios.pdf 710 KB
Taylor_1938.pdf 14 MB
Texture Part I.avi 13 MB
Texture Part II.avi 129 MB
Texture analysis of Bi-2212 and 2223 tapes and wires by neutron diffraction.pdf 851 KB
Texture development in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy current leads.pdf 569 KB
Texture formation in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O-Ag tapes prepared by partial melt process.pdf 595 KB
Texture formation in superconducting BSCCO 2212-Ag composite tapes effect of cold rolling and laser float zone melting technique.pdf 741 KB
Texture hardening in PIT method and its effect on texture formation during annealing.pdf 152 KB
Texture_part_I.mpg 47 MB
Texture_part_II.mpg 789 MB
The effect of sintering temperature on the crystal growth of the Bi-2223 phase in multifilamentary tape.pdf 336 KB
The influence of process variables of precursor powders on the microstructure evolution and transport current properties of Bi-2223 Ag tapes.pdf 106 KB
The microstructure changes of Bi-2212 Ag composite tapes processed under a temperature gradient.pdf 491 KB
The origins of high values of the critical current density in the Bi2Sr2Can-1CunOx system High-Tc superconducting pathways at low angle tilt boundaries.pdf 1005 KB
The piezomagnetoelectric effect.pdf 630 KB
The study of texturing of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ and Bi184Pb034Sr191Ca203Cu306O10+ superconductors as a function of pelletisation pressure.pdf 359 KB
Tony's-derivation-orientation-differentiation.pdf 114 KB
Tue-15Apr2014-lecture-EBSD-acquisition_default.mp4 65 MB
VectTensColMat.pdf 259 KB
Vector Correlation.pdf 978 KB
Vector algebra and crystallography.pdf 135 KB
Wed-23Apr2014-OrientationRelationships_default.mp4 102 MB
Wu-Chen-Ceramic-Texture-1992.pdf 1 MB
alr.epf 17 KB
alr_odf.pdf 25 KB
hexagonal-twin-systems-CindySmith-UIUC.pdf 13 MB
kuffner_james_2004_1.pdf 917 KB
lp-lmp.pdf 174 KB
on-estimating-rotations.pdf 232 KB
popLA.Manual.pdf 1 KB
scheidegger-jsr-2001.pdf 128 KB
sec2_scihi_instrum_alamgir.pdf 65 KB
second paper on statistics associated with the random orientation of cubes.pdf 1 MB
website-screenshot.tiff 318 KB